• Question: do you found somet hing alse except finding new drugs(medicine)???

    Asked by angela222 to Hitesh, Hywel, Mae, Nik, Tiffany on 18 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Mae Woods

      Mae Woods answered on 18 Jun 2012:

      Yes. I look at biology and make mathematical equations that tell us how biological things work.

      I look at how cells move and I have made a model of balls that behave like cells. This tells us a little bit about how the cells move together and also how we could make real machines that could behave like cells. This is called biomimetics. Making artificial things that behave like things we see in biology.

    • Photo: Tiffany Taylor

      Tiffany Taylor answered on 19 Jun 2012:

      Yep. I use evolve bacteria in the lab to try and find out how evolution works, and why it works the way ti does.

    • Photo: Hitesh Dave

      Hitesh Dave answered on 20 Jun 2012:

      I would say yes..lots of time you discovered something new during experiments..I remembered one drug we was working on which was intended to treat heart patients; but we found out it was more effective in pulmonary diseases rather than pure heart treatment…so, there are lots of surprises when you are dealing with new molecule…
