• Question: all scientists is there any proof of over universes

    Asked by rmurphy99 to Hitesh, Hywel, Mae, Nik, Tiffany on 13 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Tiffany Taylor

      Tiffany Taylor answered on 13 Jun 2012:

      Wow, that is a really good question. And I think the answer is that they haven’t disproved it yet – but that’s as much as they know. I once talked to a scientist who wanted to measure the coming and going of parallel (other) universes using the same ideas we use in evolution -the best ones will win and produce more universes and the bad ones will die out.

      It all sounds crazy to me – but then again, this space physics (what they actually call quantum physics) always does! They are some VERY clever people.

    • Photo: Hywel Owen

      Hywel Owen answered on 18 Jun 2012:

      Nope, there’s no proof of other Universes.

      There are plenty of theories, but what matters is coming up with a theory where you can do a test to tell the difference between ‘there are other universes’ and ‘there *aren’t* other universes’. Since there’s no experiment, it’s sensible to assume the simpler option, which is that there is only one Universe, until we’ve seen evidence that shows otherwise.

    • Photo: Hitesh Dave

      Hitesh Dave answered on 21 Jun 2012:

      till date we haven’t got any reports that over universe exist…it’s really good thinking by the way…
