• Question: can you delay your periods?

    Asked by corriestewart to Hitesh, Hywel, Mae, Nik, Tiffany on 11 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Tiffany Taylor

      Tiffany Taylor answered on 11 Jun 2012:

      Some types of contraception which alter your hormones (chemicals released in the body which control things like periods) can be used to delay your monthly period. For example, some types of the pill are normally taken for 21 days, and then you have a break for 7 days. During those 7 days you have your period. If you do not take a break and carry on taking the pill, you will not have a period. Doctors usually say it’s safe to do this every now and again for up to 3, 21 day packs, but it’s not a good idea to do it all the time. It’s always best to check with your doctor first, and sometimes the body will just take over whether you like it or not!

      It’s hard being a woman!

    • Photo: Hitesh Dave

      Hitesh Dave answered on 12 Jun 2012:

      Being bloke I can’t delay mine :-)….I agree with Tiffany that it’s hard being a woman!!

      I studied reproductive physiology; so I can able to write little bit here to make the things simple…
      Reproductive physiology..they always says that if you can’t understand which organs you studying…that it must be from female reproductive system..It is complicated system (not as complicated as to understand woman!!)

      In humans we have menstrual cycle (periods) in females and In animals it called Estrous cycle….Ovary (main organ of female reproductive system) prepares for fertilization during month…it will make cells (gametes) and hope to fertilize with cells from male….If they both meet than they will fertilize and develop for birth to baby…and If they don’t meet and meet but don’t fertilize those cells will break into pieces..all of this waste of cells will come out from body at the end of the menstrual cycle…this will called periods…

      Now coming to question this periods are depends on lots of hormones from the body…this hormones are regulated by brain…Periods can easily been delayed for a week or two maximum…but it’s not always advisable…because you are going to alter or change natural system,..and sometimes it might get negative effects on body..(e.g. heat on face, skin rashes, itching, back pain, heavy brests etcc..)…Medicines can delay periods..they generally acts on hormone system to stop them or making it slower during menstrual cycle….

      It’s always better to check with your doctor first, before taking any medicines…

    • Photo: Mae Woods

      Mae Woods answered on 13 Jun 2012:

      Do you mean every month, or when you start having periods?

      Every month women will have a period usually every 28 days or from 24 to 35 days. This cycle starts when puberty begins. You can take hormones that affect this cycle and there are pills that can kick start a delayed puberty.

      It is not necessary to delay your periods so why would you want to delay them? A doctor will be able to help a lot with this question.
