• Question: mae how important do u think uor job is

    Asked by misskatelove to Hitesh, Hywel, Mae, Nik, Tiffany on 15 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Mae Woods

      Mae Woods answered on 15 Jun 2012:

      Hi misskatelove.

      I think my job is very important. Although I work in a University and am using mathematics the way in which my work could be used in real life situations could be useful.

      I am trying to understand how cells move and this is an important biological process. Cells move when you have an injury that needs to be repaired and also during cancer and in developing babies before they are born. When cells start to move in a bad way, people get sick.

      Sometimes things that happen in University can eventually be used in hospital to treat people. For example did you know that Roger Tsien discovered a protein that is fluorescent?

      He is now using this protein in tumors (cancer) so that in the future surgeons in the hospital will be able to remove the tumor easily because it will be glowing bright green.

      It takes a long time to come up with new therapies for diseases, but when they work they help millions of sick people and so work done in a University is important.

    • Photo: Hitesh Dave

      Hitesh Dave answered on 15 Jun 2012:

      My job is really important..We ensure patients will get best and right medicine for the treatment to do more, feel better and live longer..and My work is part of this process…I feel really proud on my work..:-)
