• Question: what have you done to help the environment?

    Asked by abbieholden96 to Hitesh, Hywel, Mae, Nik, Tiffany on 11 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Tiffany Taylor

      Tiffany Taylor answered on 11 Jun 2012:

      I am pretty obsessed with recycling and get mad a people if I see them throwing away something in the bin which could be recycled. I also cycle to work everyday. I think it’s these little things which if everyone did, can help overall.

      On a bigger scale I also travelled to Costa Rica (which is in Central Amercia, google it) and helped on an environmental project in the rainforest to build an eco-tourism lodge (that’s where people can go on holiday and live in the rainforest without damaging it). This would help bring more money into the area so more rainforest could be protected and more animals would not loose their home.

      But you don’t need to do anything big to help the environment – I’m sure my recycling and cycling to work are making a big difference.

    • Photo: Mae Woods

      Mae Woods answered on 11 Jun 2012:

      I recycle and use public transport. I am interested in new technologies that could potentially not contribute to carbon emissions, for example the Hydrogen car. However, a lot of these technologies are still work in progress which is why there is a need for more environmentally friendly scientists!

    • Photo: Nicola Ibberson

      Nicola Ibberson answered on 11 Jun 2012:

      I actually run a blog all about leading an ethical lifestyle and environmentally friendly lifestyle. In my work, I don’t really do anything to particularly help the environment, and labs have a lot of plastic and cardboard waste which is definitely not very eco-friendly!

      So at home I eat organically, wear organic and sustainable clothes (my favourite brand is People Tree), recycle, grow my own fruit and veg, and support local retailers. I cycle to work and don’t use my car for journeys under two miles, but I live out in the sticks a bit so to be honest, most journeys are over 2 miles!

    • Photo: Hywel Owen

      Hywel Owen answered on 11 Jun 2012:

      I try to recycle jokes….

      But seriously, I do two things:

      At home: I do all the normal stuff, and recycle *everything* I can, turn all the lights off when I’m not in the room, prevent draughts etc. etc. But I think it’s more important to use less stuff, in other words to buy fewer things. Most stuff we have we don’t really need.

      At work: I work on a project that is one method to consume nuclear waste from existing nuclear reactors. It works by firing protons from a particle accelerator at a specially-designed reactor so that the resulting neutrons bombard the waste in the reactor so it is radioactive for a far shorter time (think seconds rather than centuries). If you can consume nuclear waste, then you don’t have to bury it for so long, so there’s no problem with nuclear power any more.

    • Photo: Hitesh Dave

      Hitesh Dave answered on 12 Jun 2012:

      Very good question…We definitely required healthy environment to survive on this planet…At home, I try to use only necessary electricity, water etc…I try to recycle the things which I don’t need in proper manner…
      At work, I am part of earth sustainibility team; this team mainly works to reduced energy, water consumption in the company and suggests alternatives…and I am sure there will not be an end of world in 2012…because at this younger age you people are very clever and understand the meaning of environment….Bravo to you guys..:-)
